OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr is an Managed Funds investment product that is benchmarked against Credit Suisse AllHedge Fund Index and sits inside the Alternatives - FOHF Index. Think of a benchmark as a standard where investment performance can be measured. Typically, market indices like the ASX200 and market-segment stock indexes are used for this purpose. The OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr has Assets Under Management of 61.34 M with a management fee of 1.3%, a performance fee of 0.00% and a buy/sell spread fee of 0.36%.
The recent investment performance of the investment product shows that the OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr has returned 1.14% in the last month. The previous three years have returned 3.11% annualised and 5.97% each year since inception, which is when the OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr first started.
There are many ways that the risk of an investment product can be measured, and each measurement provides a different insight into the risk present. They can be used on their own or together to perform a risk assessment before investing, but when comparing investments, it is common to compare like for like risk measurements to determine which investment holds the most risk. Since OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr first started, the Sharpe ratio is NA with an annualised volatility of 5.97%. The maximum drawdown of the investment product in the last 12 months is -1.22% and -18.17% since inception. The maximum drawdown is defined as the high-to-low decline of an investment during a particular time period.
Relative performance is what an asset achieves over a period of time compared to similar investments or its peers. Relative return is a measure of the asset's performance compared to the return to the other investment. The OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr has a 12-month excess return when compared to the Alternatives - FOHF Index of -1.74% and -1.64% since inception.
Alpha is an investing term used to measure an investment's outperformance relative to a market benchmark or peer investment. Alpha describes the excess return generated when compared to peer investment. OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr has produced Alpha over the Alternatives - FOHF Index of NA% in the last 12 months and NA% since inception.
For a full list of investment products in the Alternatives - FOHF Index category, you can click here for the Peer Investment Report.
OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr has a correlation coefficient of 0.63 and a beta of 0.2 when compared to the Alternatives - FOHF Index. Correlation measures how similarly two investments move in relation to one another. This establishes a 'correlation coefficient', which has a value between -1.0 and +1.0. A 100% correlation between two investments means that the correlation coefficient is +1. Beta in investments measures how much the price moves relative to the broader market over a period of time. If the investment moves more than the broader market, it has a beta above 1.0. If it moves less than the broader market, then the beta is less than 1.0. Investments with a high beta tend to carry more risk but have the potential to deliver higher returns.
For a full quantitative report on OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr and its peer investments, you can click here for the Peer Investment Report.
For a full quantitative report on OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr compared to the Credit Suisse AllHedge Fund Index, you can click here.
To sort and compare the OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr financial metrics, please refer to the table above.
This investment product is in the process of being independently verified by SMSF Mate. Once we have verified the investment product, you will be able to find more information here.
SMSF Mate does not receive commissions or kickbacks from the OnePath OA FR IP-OnePath Alts Gr. All data and commentary for this fund is provided free of charge for our readers general information.
The Fund invests in the following underlying funds/strategies: The One River Systematic Trend SP strategy seeks to exploit medium to long term trends frequently observed in various equities, rates, FX, and commodity markets to generate returns. This systematic strategy employs a proprietary model which uses a combination of moving averages, breakouts, and stops to determine when to enter and exit the positions. The One River Systematic Alternative Markets Trend SP strategy seeks to exploit medium to long term trends frequently observed in various alternative equity, credit, rates, FX, and commodity markets to generate returns.
The Keynes Dynamic Beta Strategy (Offshore) Fund strategy applies a systematic macroeconomic investment process which includes both directional (to average a 75% allocation over a full investment cycle) and relative value (25%) strategies, which seek to harvest risk premia in a non-linear fashion and emphasize drawdown avoidance. The Fulcrum Diversified Absolute Return Fund strategy seeks to achieve its aim of long-term absolute returns by investing globally and aims to hold a highly diversified portfolio, typically consisting of exposures to equities, fixed income, commodities, alternatives and cash. The Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund strategy seeks to provide positive absolute returns with low to moderate volatility and low correlation to both traditional and alternative asset classes.
The MCP Wholesale Investments Trust is a multi-strategy fund currently invested in wholesale funds managed by Metrics Credit Partners (Metrics), specifically the Metrics Credit Partners Diversified Australian Senior Loan Fund, the MCP Secured Private Debt Fund II and the MCP Real Estate Debt Fund (Wholesale Funds). The Bentham Syndicated Loan Fund strategy is actively managed and focused on generating stable investment income.
The Fund invests in the following underlying funds/strategies: Fulcrum Diversified Absolute Return Fund – A diversified multiasset strategy with dynamic asset allocation across equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities, and alternative assets. The funds aim to deliver risk-adjusted real returns with lower volatility than equity markets.
GMO Systematic Global Macro Trust – A systematic global macro strategy which aims to add value through five main activities: asset allocation, and market selection across equities, bonds, currencies and commodities. A systematic investment process is used that combines value and sentiment-based strategies, while controlling for risk.
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – A multi-strategy hedge fund approach across a range of strategies such as convertible arbitrage, event driven, price pressure, risk transfer, equity market neutral and portfolio protection.
Metrics MCP Wholesale Investments Trust – A private debt strategy which provides diversified exposure to Australia’s bank dominated corporate loan market by investing in loans to public and private companies, infrastructure, project finance, private equity sponsored, real estate, and structured finance borrowers, either directly or via investment in other wholesale funds managed by its investment manager Metrics Capital.
ManAHL Alpha (AUD) Fund – Invests in underlying AHL ‘flagship’ programs which primarily employ ‘trend-following’ strategies that seek to identify and profit from both upwards and downwards movements in prices across a diverse range of investment markets including equities, bonds, interest rates, currencies, and commodities.
Bentham Syndicated Loan Fund – An actively managed strategy, focused on generating stable investment income. The fund aims to provide investors with exposure to high-yielding investments primarily through the US syndicated loan market, with an active allocation to investments in different industries, issuers, and geographies. Since July 2021, this strategy has been progressively reduced to zero to allow for the implementation of Janus and Metrics, with it to remain an approved strategy able to be utilised tactically where market pricing and conditions are supportive.
Underlying Fund Commentaries Fulcrum Diversified Absolute Return Fund – A diversified multiasset strategy with dynamic asset allocation across equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities, and alternative assets. The funds aim to deliver risk-adjusted real returns with lower volatility than equity markets.
GMO Systematic Global Macro Trust – A systematic global macro strategy which aims to add value through five main activities: asset allocation, and market selection across equities, bonds, currencies and commodities. A systematic investment process is used that combines value and sentiment-based strategies, while controlling for risk.
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – A multi-strategy hedge fund approach across a range of strategies such as convertible arbitrage, event driven, price pressure, risk transfer, equity market neutral and portfolio protection.
Metrics MCP Wholesale Investments Trust – A private debt strategy which provides diversified exposure to Australia’s bank dominated corporate loan market by investing in loans to public and private companies, infrastructure, project finance, private equity sponsored, real estate, and structured finance borrowers, either directly or via investment in other wholesale funds managed by its investment manager Metrics Capital.
ManAHL Alpha (AUD) Fund – Invests in underlying AHL ‘flagship’ programs which primarily employ ‘trend-following’ strategies that seek to identify and profit from both upwards and downwards movements in prices across a diverse range of investment markets including equities, bonds, interest rates, currencies, and commodities.
Bentham Syndicated Loan Fund – An actively managed strategy, focused on generating stable investment income. The fund aims to provide investors with exposure to high-yielding investments primarily through the US syndicated loan market, with an active allocation to investments in different industries, issuers, and geographies. Since July 2021, this strategy has been progressively reduced to zero to allow for the implementation of Janus and Metrics, with it to remain an approved strategy able to be utilised tactically where market pricing and conditions are supportive.
Underlying Fund Commentaries Fulcrum Diversified Absolute Return Fund – A diversified multiasset strategy with dynamic asset allocation across equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities, and alternative assets. The funds aim to deliver risk-adjusted real returns with lower volatility than equity markets.
GMO Systematic Global Macro Trust – A systematic global macro strategy which aims to add value through five main activities: asset allocation, and market selection across equities, bonds, currencies and commodities. A systematic investment process is used that combines value and sentiment-based strategies, while controlling for risk.
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – A multi-strategy hedge fund approach across a range of strategies such as convertible arbitrage, event driven, price pressure, risk transfer, equity market neutral and portfolio protection.
Metrics MCP Wholesale Investments Trust – A private debt strategy which provides diversified exposure to Australia’s bank dominated corporate loan market by investing in loans to public and private companies, infrastructure, project finance, private equity sponsored, real estate, and structured finance borrowers, either directly or via investment in other wholesale funds managed by its investment manager Metrics Capital.
ManAHL Alpha (AUD) Fund – Invests in underlying AHL ‘flagship’ programs which primarily employ ‘trend-following’ strategies that seek to identify and profit from both upwards and downwards movements in prices across a diverse range of investment markets including equities, bonds, interest rates, currencies, and commodities.
Bentham Syndicated Loan Fund – An actively managed strategy, focused on generating stable investment income. The fund aims to provide investors with exposure to high-yielding investments primarily through the US syndicated loan market, with an active allocation to investments in different industries, issuers, and geographies. Since July 2021, this strategy has been progressively reduced to zero to allow for the implementation of Janus and Metrics, with it to remain an approved strategy able to be utilised tactically where market pricing and conditions are supportive.
Underlying Fund Commentaries Fulcrum Diversified Absolute Return Fund – A diversified multiasset strategy with dynamic asset allocation across equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities, and alternative assets. The funds aim to deliver risk-adjusted real returns with lower volatility than equity markets.
GMO Systematic Global Macro Trust – A systematic global macro strategy which aims to add value through five main activities: asset allocation, and market selection across equities, bonds, currencies and commodities. A systematic investment process is used that combines value and sentiment-based strategies, while controlling for risk.
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – A multi-strategy hedge fund approach across a range of strategies such as convertible arbitrage, event driven, price pressure, risk transfer, equity market neutral and portfolio protection. Metrics MCP Wholesale Investments Trust – A private debt strategy which provides diversified exposure to Australia’s bank dominated corporate loan market by investing in loans to public and private companies, infrastructure, project finance, private equity sponsored, real estate, and structured finance borrowers, either directly or via investment in other wholesale funds managed by its investment manager Metrics Capital.
ManAHL Alpha (AUD) Fund – Invests in underlying AHL ‘flagship’ programs which primarily employ ‘trend-following’ strategies that seek to identify and profit from both upwards and downwards movements in prices across a diverse range of investment markets including equities, bonds, interest rates, currencies, and commodities.
Bentham Syndicated Loan Fund – An actively managed strategy, focused on generating stable investment income. The fund aims to provide investors with exposure to high-yielding investments primarily through the US syndicated loan market, with an active allocation to investments in different industries, issuers, and geographies. Since July 2021, this strategy has been progressively reduced to zero to allow for the implementation of Janus and Metrics, with it to remain an approved strategy able to be utilised tactically where market pricing and conditions are supportive.
Underlying Fund Commentaries Fulcrum Diversified Absolute Return Fund – A diversified multiasset strategy with dynamic asset allocation across equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities, and alternative assets. The funds aim to deliver risk-adjusted real returns with lower volatility than equity markets.
GMO Systematic Global Macro Trust – A systematic global macro strategy which aims to add value through five main activities: asset allocation, and market selection across equities, bonds, currencies and commodities. A systematic investment process is used that combines value and sentiment-based strategies, while controlling for risk.
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – A multi-strategy hedge fund approach across a range of strategies such as convertible arbitrage, event driven, price pressure, risk transfer, equity market neutral and portfolio protection.
Metrics MCP Wholesale Investments Trust – A private debt strategy which provides diversified exposure to Australia’s bank dominated corporate loan market by investing in loans to public and private companies, infrastructure, project finance, private equity sponsored, real estate, and structured finance borrowers, either directly or via investment in other wholesale funds managed by its investment manager Metrics Capital.
ManAHL Alpha (AUD) Fund – Invests in underlying AHL ‘flagship’ programs which primarily employ ‘trend-following’ strategies that seek to identify and profit from both upwards and downwards movements in prices across a diverse range of investment markets including equities, bonds, interest rates, currencies, and commodities.
Bentham Syndicated Loan Fund – An actively managed strategy, focused on generating stable investment income. The fund aims to provide investors with exposure to high-yielding investments primarily through the US syndicated loan market, with an active allocation to investments in different industries, issuers, and geographies. Since July 2021, this strategy has been progressively reduced to zero to allow for the implementation of Janus and Metrics, with it to remain an approved strategy able to be utilised tactically where market pricing and conditions are supportive.
Underlying Fund Commentaries GMO Systematic Global Macro Trust – The Fund was down for the quarter. Over a turbulent period, gains were still made in equities, bonds and commodities but were outweighed by losses in currencies
Fulcrum Diversified Absolute Return Fund – The Fund was down for the quarter, with broad based gains from Relative Value Strategies and Diversifying Strategies not enough to offset losses from Directional strategies. Relative Value strategies gave back some of their very strong year-to-date gains, with positioning within currencies, commodities, and fixed income more than offsetting gains made elsewhere.
ManAHL Alpha (AUD) Fund – The Fund was up for the quarter, with gains across most asset classes, including fixed income, energies, currencies, and credit. Small losses were experienced in metals, agriculturals and stocks.
Bentham Syndicated Loan Fund – The Fund was down for the quarter, with repricing of Loan assets over the quarter being a key driver of performance. The Loan market had a negative return during the quarter, consistent with most risk markets, albeit more muted than the high yield bond market.
Janus Henderson Global Multi-Strategy Fund – The Fund was down for the quarter, with Price Pressure and Protection the most negative contributors. Event Driven was also a small drag on returns, with Convertible Arbitrage broadly flat, while Risk Transfer and Equity Market Neutral added positive value
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